Tungsten Granular Metal 99.99% Pure Element 74 W Chemistry Sample
What you will receive
•You will receive a 1.8ml glass vial of 99.99% pure Tungsten metal that it in a granular form. As seen in pictures.
• Sweet Stocking stuffer, Christmas gift
• Great chemistry gift
•Amazing science gift
The Facts
•Tungsten or wolfram "heavy stone" (atomic number 74) this sample is ideal for element collectors on the cheap or those conducting experiments.
•Tungsten comes from the mineral scheelite and Wolframite is a silvery-gray metallic rare-earth metal.
•Tungsten has five naturally occurring isotopes whose half-lives are so long that they can be considered stable. Their half lives are older then the universe.
•Tungsten also has some radioactive isotopes.
•Tungsten has the highest melting point of all metals and also brittle.
•Tungsten has the lowest coefficient of thermal expansion of any pure metal.
•Used in many things from pen tips and lightbulb filaments too radiation shielding.
•Tungsten is the heaviest element known to be used in any living organism some bacteria and arachnids.
•Tungsten carbide an alloy of tungsten is harder than both gold and tungsten. And can not be melted..easily
•it's resistance to high temperatures, its hardness and density, and its strengthening of alloys makes it a very important raw material.
•This is high quality yet cheap affordable Tungsten
Safety / Caution
•Keep out of reach from children!
•Do not ingest.
• I offer free shipping to the USA
• International will be additional