Palladium Metal Foil 99% Pure Element 46 Pd Chemistry Sample
What you will receive
•You will receive a 1.8ml glass vial of 99% pure palladium metal that is in a foil form. As seen in pictures.
• Sweet Stocking stuffer, Christmas gift
• Great chemistry gift
•Amazing science gift
•Teacher gift
•Element collection
The Facts
•Palladium (atomic number 46) this sample is ideal for element collectors on the cheap or those conducting experiments.
•Palladium is a rare, lustrous silver / white transition metal. (Platinum group metal)
•Palladium is malleable and ductile and like gold, it can be beaten into thin leaf.
•Palladium is remarkable in its capacity to absorb up to 900 times its own volume of hydrogen. As it absorbs the hydrogen, it expands visibly, like a sponge swelling up when absorbing water.
•The largest use of palladium is in catalytic converters for automobiles.
•Finely divided palladium is used as a catalyst for hydrogenation/dehydrogenation reactions and for petroleum cracking
•Palladium is used in dentistry, watch making, and in making surgical instruments and electrical contacts.
•It is also used to purify hydrogen because the gas easily diffuses through heated palladium.
• This is high quality yet cheap affordable Palladium
Safety / Caution
• Keep out of reach from children!
• Palladium is considered to be of low toxicity
• Do not ingest
• When working with metals it is a good idea to always have some type of eye protection, mouth protection and gloves on.
• I offer free shipping to the USA
• International will be additional