Gadolinium Metal 99.9% Pure Element 64 Gd Chemistry Sample
What you will receive
•You will receive a 1.8ml glass vial of 99.9% pure Gadolinium metal that it in a shredded / granular form. As seen in pictures.
• Sweet Stocking stuffer, Christmas gift
• Great chemistry gift
•Amazing science gift
The Facts
•Gadolinium (atomic number 64) this sample is ideal for element collectors on the cheap or those conducting experiments.
Gadolinium is one the 14 rare earth metals ( precious metals )
•The name Gadolinium is derived from the mineral (gadolinite).
•Gadolinium a silvery-grey metallic rare-earth metal.
• One of the lanthanides
• Gadolinium is malleable
•At room temperature, gadolinium crystallizes in the hexagonal, close-packed alpha form.
• The metal is relatively stable in dry air, but tarnishes in moist air. The metal is soluble in dilute acid and reacts slowly with water.
• Gadolinium compounds are used as phosphors in color televisions and gadolinium yttrium garnets have application in microwaves .
•The metal has unusual superconductive properties.
•The resistance and workability of iron and chromium can be improved with as little as 1 percent gadolinium.
•Due to its low noise characteristics, gadolinium ethyl sulfate has been explored for duplicating the performance of amplifiers.
•The rare earth metal has special Curie temperature above which ferromagnetism vanishes, giving rise to the potential that it could be used as a magnetic component that can sense hot and cold.
•Isolation of the rare earth elements from each other has been difficult and expensive because their chemical properties are so similar.
• This is high quality yet cheap affordable Gadolinium
Safety / Caution
•Keep out of reach from children!
•Prolong contact to Gadolinium may lead to skin irritation.
•Gadolinium is slightly toxic if ingested
•Do not breath in the metal dust.
•Metallic Gadolinium dust presents a can catch fire and or explode when ignited. So keep away from ignition sources.
•When working with Gadolinium it is a good idea to always have some type of eye protection, mouth protection and gloves on.
• I offer free shipping to the USA
• International will be additional