Boron Crystals 99.95% Pure Element 5 B Chemistry Sample
What you will receive
•You will receive a 5ml glass vial of 99.95% pure Boron crystals that are in a chunk form. As seen in pictures.
• Sweet Stocking stuffer, Christmas gift
• Great chemistry gift
• Amazing science gift
• Teacher gift
The Facts
•Boron (atomic number 5) This sample is ideal for element collectors on the cheap or those conducting experiments.
•Boron is a silvery-black metalloid.
•Boron Nitride’s hardness is second only to diamond, but it has better thermal (melting point of 3,767•F) of and chemical stability, hence boron nitride ceramics are used in high-temperature equipment.
•Boron is an essential nutrient for all green plants.
•Boron in its crystalline form is very unreactive. Amorphous boron is reactive.
•Boron is used to dope silicon and germanium semiconductors, modifying their electrical properties.
•Boron oxide (B2O3) is used in glassmaking and ceramics.
•Borax (Na2B4O7.10H2O) is used in making fiberglass, as a cleansing fluid, a water softener, insecticide, herbicide and disinfectant.
•Boron compounds such as borax (sodium tetraborate, Na2B4O7·10H2O) have been known and used by ancient cultures for thousands of years.
• Boron does not generally make ionic bonds, it forms stable covalent bonds.
Boron can transmit portions of infrared light.
• Boron's conductivity improves markedly at higher temperatures.
• Boron carbide (B4C) is used in tank armor and bullet proof vests.
• Boron nitride nanotubes can have a similar structure to carbon nanotubes. BN nanotubes are more thermally and chemically stable than carbon nanotubes and, unlike carbon nanotubes, boron nitride nanotubes are electrical insulators.
This is high quality yet cheap affordable Boron
Safety / Caution
•Keep out of reach from children!
•Do not ingest
•Elemental boron is not known to be toxic.
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