Aluminum Metal Necklace Element 13 Al Science Jewelry, Chemistry Fashion
What you will receive
The Aluminum metal 98.7% pure, glass vial necklace, A unique high quality necklace that is sure to impress.
•The necklace is made from a strong silk/velvet material with a easy to use adjustable clasp. As seen in pictures
•The length is 22 inches or 55.9cm, unisex.
• Sweet Stocking stuffer, Christmas gift
• Great chemistry gift
•Amazing science gift
The Facts of Aluminum
Aluminum atomic number 13 is a chemical element
•Aluminum is light,strong,flexible, rust and corrosive resistant.
•Aluminum is the third most abundant element in the earths crust
•In the mid-1880s, aluminium metal was exceedingly difficult to produce, which made pure aluminium more valuable than gold.
•Honored guests at banquets were given aluminium utensils, while the others made do with gold.
•When polished it has the highest reflectively of any material even glass
Best offer is only for ordering multiples.
I offer free shipping to the USA; international is additional.
Safety / Caution
Do not attempt to brake open to retrieve metal. I sell the same sample in vials for cheaper.
• I offer free shipping to the USA
• International will be additional