
Lab Grown Alexandrite, Color changing Mineral, Mineralogy Sample, Rough Gemstone


What you will receive
One 5ml glass vial of natural alexandrite mineral from Brazil.

•The alexandrite variety displays a color change (alexandrite effect) dependent upon the nature of ambient lighting.
•Alexandrite effect is the phenomenon of an observed color change from blueish to purplish with a change in source illumination.
•Alexandrite results from small scale replacement of aluminium by chromium ions in the crystal structure, which causes intense absorption of light over a narrow range of wavelengths in the yellow region (580 nm) of the visible light spectrum.☺️
•Alexandrite appears purplish in daylight where a full spectrum of visible light is present and blueish under incandescent light which emits less green and blue spectrum. This color change is independent of any change of hue with viewing direction through the crystal that would arise from pleochroism.
•Alexandrite from the Ural Mountains in Russia can be green by daylight and red by incandescent light. Other varieties of alexandrite may be yellowish or pink in daylight and a columbine or raspberry red by incandescent light.

•Alexandrite 5 carats (1,000 mg) and larger were traditionally thought to be found only in the Ural Mountains, but have since been found in larger sizes in Brazil. Other deposits are located in India (Andhra Pradesh), Madagascar, Tanzania and Sri Lanka. Alexandrite in sizes over three carats are very rare.

•Today, several labs can produce synthetic lab-grown stones with the same chemical and physical properties as natural alexandrite.

•Some gemstones falsely described as lab-grown synthetic alexandrite are actually corundum laced with trace elements (e.g., vanadium) or color-change spinel and are not actually chrysoberyl. As a result, they would be more accurately described as simulated alexandrite rather than synthetic.This alexandrite-like sapphire material has been around for almost 100 years and shows a characteristic purple-mauve colour change, which does not really look like alexandrite because there is never any green.

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