Zirconium Metal Strips / Electrode 99.99% Pure Element 40 Zr Chemistry Sample
What you will receive
•You will receive a 1.8ml glass vial of 99.99% pure Zirconium metal that is in a Strip / Electrode like form. As seen in pictures.
• Sweet Stocking stuffer, Christmas gift
• Great chemistry gift
•Amazing science gift
The Facts
•Zirconium (atomic number 40) this sample is ideal for element collectors on the cheap or those conducting experiments.
•Zirconium is a silvery-white metallic transition metal.
•The name comes from the Persian word ‘zargon’ meaning gold-like.
•Zirconium is strong, malleable, ductile, and lustrous.
•Zirconium is generally exceptionally resistant to corrosion. It is however rapidly attacked by hydrofluoric acid, even at low concentrations.
•It's oxide (ZrO2) is white, like many of its compounds.
• In an oxygen atmosphere, finely divided Zirconium burns with the highest known temperature for a metal flame: 4460 oC.(4) Powdered zirconium can spontaneously ignite in air.
•Exposed surfaces of zirconium form a protective oxide layer.
•Zirconium tungstate (ZrW2O8) is an unusual substance: it shrinks when heated from near absolute zero to 780 oC(5).
•Precious stones containing zirconium, such as hyacinth and zircon, have been used as decorations since ancient times.
•Lithium zirconate can be used to absorb carbon dioxide. The reaction is reversible so the carbon dioxide can be released in a location of choice and the lithium zirconate used again. This application may be useful in addressing environmental concerns about the release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
•Zirconium is used as to make surgical instruments and is used in steel alloys as a hardening agent.
•Zirconium is very poor at absorbing neutrons.
•This is high quality yet cheap affordable Zirconium
Safety / Caution
•Keep out of reach from children!
•Zirconium is non-toxic.
•Do not ingest.
• I offer fast free shipping to the USA
• International will be additional